087 632 4606 | info@kevinfeelyathletictherapy.ie
If you find yourself in a position where your location makes it difficult for you to travel to our clinic or a situation arises where a 1 to 1 direct contact session is not possible or safe we are offering an online injury and rehab consultation service for all your physiotherapy needs.
For initial consultations this will involve an email from yourself describing what your problem is, a full injury history and a what your goals following rehabilitation from the injury. You might then be asked to send through some videos of some basic upper and lower body movements that allows me to assess where the problem might be so that I can be as prepared as possible for when the consultation begins. The consultation is set for a specific time and all you have to do is click on the link sent to you via email at the arranged time and you will be brought directly to the video consultation which is carried out using Zoom, Skype or whatever platform most suits you and your connectivity situation.
Initial consultations last 40-45 minutes and involve taking a full history of your problems followed by further movement assessments and leading to demonstrations and prescription of exercises which will have you feeling better in session. A well thought out and structured rehab programmme will then be put in place together with you and your therapist and video demonstrations sent on to you so that you don't need to worry about trying to remember all the exercises gone through during the session. Most importantly you will leave the session with your mind at ease and with expert advice from your therapist on how your problem can be best managed by you, empowering you with the knowledge on how best to deal with your pain or injury.
It is very important that you use a space that has enough room for movement assessments ad exercises to be carried out successfully.
Follow up sessions are a little bit shorter due to the lack of need for an initial assessment and involves re-testing movements from the previous session and advancing on your rehab exercises to the next level to allow you to move closer to achieving the goals outlined in your first email!
Payments can be accepted through several different online formats although the most effective ones are through either PayPal or Revolut.